
Fast Walking in Narrow Corridors Can Increase COVID-19 Transmission Risk

Fast Walking in Narrow Corridors Can Increase COVID-19 Transmission Risk - راه رفتن سریع در راهروهای باریک می تواند سبب افزایش سرایت ویروس کرونا گردد

Computational simulations have been used to accurately predict airflow and droplet dispersal patterns in situations where COVID-19 might be spread. In the journal Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, results show the importance of the shape of the space in modeling how virus-laden droplets move through the air.

The cough-generated droplets from a walking individual disperse differently in a narrow corridor and an open space. In an open space, the droplets are dispersed in a large range attached to the person; in narrow corridors, the droplets are concentrated in a small bubble and are left further behind. CREDIT: Xiaolei Yang

If a person walking in a corridor coughs, their breath expels droplets that travel around and behind their body, forming a wake in the way a boat forms a wake in water as it travels. The investigation revealed the existence of a “re-circulation bubble” directly behind the person’s torso and a long wake streaming out behind them at approximately waist height.

Release date: 15 December 2020
Source: American Institute of Physics