Insomnia identified as a new risk factor for type 2 diabetes
A new ‘global atlas’ study published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes [EASD]) is the first to identify insomnia as a risk factor associated with increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D). The study identifies 34 risk factors that are thought to increase (19) or decrease risk (15), as well as a further 21 ‘suggestive’ risk factors where evidence was not quite as strong.Release date: 8 September 2020Source: Diabetologiaبی-خوابی-خطر-ابتلا-به-دیابت-را-افزایش-می-دهد.jpg4301200دکتر امین اظهریدکتر امین اظهری2020-09-24 06:00:352020-09-22 09:49:56Insomnia identified as a new risk factor for type 2 diabetes